Rubber Duck Regatta: Supporting Our Community

Community is number one at credit unions. Valley Credit Union takes a lot of pride in supporting the communities we live and work in. Throughout the year, Valley helps support various community organization and events such as Explorers Academy, A Head Start Program’s Library; Alberta Bair Theater’s Education Series; the bison exhibit at ZooMontana and many more. Each September, Valley Credit Union is proud to join with many other local credit unions to support the Rubber Duck Regatta which benefits Prevent of Elder Abuse, a program of Big Sky Senior Services.
Big Sky Senior Services was formed in 2005 when Senior Helping Hands, Prevention of Elder Abuse and Friends Volunteer Program merged. They focus on providing services that promote independence, enhanced quality of life and the prevention of elder abuse. The Prevention of Elder Abuse program has pioneered innovative and comprehensive abuse prevention services. They conduct Gatekeeper Training, which teaches community volunteers like bank tellers, meter readers and mail carriers to spot and report possible elder abuse. They also provide information and assistance, abuse investigation, case management and financial payee services to elders and disabled adults throughout south central Montana.
Each September, Big Sky Senior Services and local credit unions join together to host the Rubber Duck Regatta. This year’s event will be on Sunday, September 9th, at Riverfront Park. The event will go from 11:00 am to 3:00pm. September 9th is also Grandparents’ Day, making it a great way for generations of families to join together and celebrate! During the event, you can eat at local food trucks, kids will be able to play carnival games, and you can watch or join in on a joke telling contest and, of course, the rubber duck race!
Join in the duck race fun and purchase a race duck at any Valley branch or other local credit union branch. You’ll also receive a free character duck with each race duck that you purchase. Prizes are awarded for race heat winners and a grand prize $500 Scheels shopping spree is awarded to the winning duck! Now that’s a Lucky Duck!